Awaji Puppet Theatre

beautiful four seasons
In a blessed climate
Awaji dolls that have been passed down from generation to generation

From the Edo period to the beginning of the Showa era, there were over 40 puppet theaters of all sizes on Awaji Island.
One of them is Yoshida Fujiroza's tools. Awaji Puppet Theatre inherited it and is currently performing.
With a history of over 500 years AWAJI NINGYÔ JÔRURI As time goes on, while retaining old things and adding new things, its essence remains unchanged.

You will be able to fully feel the charm of each and every one of them, such as the powerful gidayu's narration, the sound of the shamisen that resonates in the depths of your stomach, and the puppets' movements that are dynamic yet delicate.

<span>@@Awaji Puppet Theatre@@</span>


Audio guides in foreign languages ​​are available for rent at the theater. If you are interested, please ask our staff.
*Japanese audio guide is not available.




Awaji Puppet Theatre